First of all, Merry Christmas to everyone. I do sincerely hope that regardless of your situation, you've found happiness in something this Christmas, the same as I wish this for you every day of the year. _ This isn't a post to put a downer on this magical time of year. It's a post to raise awareness and remember that just because it's a time of joy and happiness traditionally, there are still people struggling. _ Depression and anxiety doesn't discriminate, it releases no prisoners just because of the time of year, the day of the week, the fortunate circumstances in life, any luck you may receive or the joy you are brought. Often, this time of year can actually make you feel more lonely, more alone. It can make the darkness seem darker and the amongst the fairy lights and the beautiful bright displays, the light can seem further away. _ Often those with depression and anxiety struggle socially. They become shy and reserved in a bid to not seem to be bothering others. With most people so busy, happy, enjoying their Christmas with their friends and family - it can often be a more difficult time to reach out to others in fear of being a burden. _ If you have friends or family who struggle, please check on them. Please remember to make an effort. Depression and anxiety isn't a choice. It is an illness. An illness which can see people in the darkest of their thoughts and the loneliest they've ever felt. _ If you are reading this and struggle, contact me if you want to talk. You are not alone. _ #Depression #DepressionAware #depressionthought #DepressionIsNotAChoice #depressionquote #depressionwillnotdefineme #depressionsurvivor #depressionawareness #depressionconfessions #depressionsucks #Christmas #quotes #quotestoliveby #quotestomotivateyou #mikemeetslife

11:48 First of all, Merry Christmas to everyone. I do sincerely hope that regardless of your situation, you've found happiness in something this Christmas, the same as I wish this for you every day of the year. _ This isn't a post to put a downer on this magical time of year. It's a post to raise awareness and remember that just because it's a time of joy and happiness traditionally, there are still people struggling. _ Depression and anxiety doesn't discriminate, it releases no prisoners just because of the time of year, the day of the week, the fortunate circumstances in life, any luck you may receive or the joy you are brought. Often, this time of year can actually make you feel more lonely, more alone. It can make the darkness seem darker and the amongst the fairy lights and the beautiful bright displays, the light can seem further away. _ Often those with depression and anxiety struggle socially. They become shy and reserved in a bid to not seem to be bothering others. With most people so busy, happy, enjoying their Christmas with their friends and family - it can often be a more difficult time to reach out to others in fear of being a burden. _ If you have friends or family who struggle, please check on them. Please remember to make an effort. Depression and anxiety isn't a choice. It is an illness. An illness which can see people in the darkest of their thoughts and the loneliest they've ever felt. _ If you are reading this and struggle, contact me if you want to talk. You are not alone. _ #Depression #DepressionAware #depressionthought #DepressionIsNotAChoice #depressionquote #depressionwillnotdefineme #depressionsurvivor #depressionawareness #depressionconfessions #depressionsucks #Christmas #quotes #quotestoliveby #quotestomotivateyou #mikemeetslife via Instagram

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