I fear there will be not only people struggling with anxiety right now, given the circumstances, but there will be a lot of others who develop their anxieties once they see the world starting to return to what the world thinks normal should be. When they realise the shackles of their work are slowly being replaced and tightened once again and they start to live to work; spending too many hours with those who don't appreciate it and less with those who rely on them and love them with everything they have. When the oceans start to fill with plastic and animals retreat to where they deem safe from the giants who hurt them damage their land. When people become less kind and the clapping on doorsteps stop to show appreciation for those who save lives and protect us. When rainbows disappear from windows and are suddenly less inviting and bright. And luxuries are taken for granted once again. When shopping bags are filled with only personal items. And the hungry, the elderly and the homeless are invisible once again. When friends and family lose the value of contact. Quiz nights on Zoom are not even a thing. PE in your living room, dancing on TikTok or singing on webcam is only a memory. When people start to lose sight of what really is important. And when money is more valued than love and egos are bigger than hearts. We can all say we don't want the world to return to normal, but who will put it in to practice? Do we really want to return to the world we knew before? Do we really want to put anything above our happiness? To lose sight of what it's like to #BeKind, the value of our homes and our families who reside in them, to work so hard we forget who we are, or to break up the unity seen in communities and across the country? The choice is ours, the choice is yours. I know where I stand. ~ Mike @ Mike Meets Life


https://ift.tt/2z8xac1 I fear there will be not only people struggling with anxiety right now, given the circumstances, but there will be a lot of others who develop their anxieties once they see the world starting to return to what the world thinks normal should be. When they realise the shackles of their work are slowly being replaced and tightened once again and they start to live to work; spending too many hours with those who don't appreciate it and less with those who rely on them and love them with everything they have. When the oceans start to fill with plastic and animals retreat to where they deem safe from the giants who hurt them damage their land. When people become less kind and the clapping on doorsteps stop to show appreciation for those who save lives and protect us. When rainbows disappear from windows and are suddenly less inviting and bright. And luxuries are taken for granted once again. When shopping bags are filled with only personal items. And the hungry, the elderly and the homeless are invisible once again. When friends and family lose the value of contact. Quiz nights on Zoom are not even a thing. PE in your living room, dancing on TikTok or singing on webcam is only a memory. When people start to lose sight of what really is important. And when money is more valued than love and egos are bigger than hearts. We can all say we don't want the world to return to normal, but who will put it in to practice? Do we really want to return to the world we knew before? Do we really want to put anything above our happiness? To lose sight of what it's like to #BeKind, the value of our homes and our families who reside in them, to work so hard we forget who we are, or to break up the unity seen in communities and across the country? The choice is ours, the choice is yours. I know where I stand. ~ Mike @ Mike Meets Life via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/B_0R2xYgutT/

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